When you face criminal charges, you may also face a number of consequences that will severely impact the rest of your life. A criminal charge can affect your ability to work, your freedom, and your family situation. At Bates Law Firm, PLLC, we understand how much a single court appearance can impact your future. That's why we provide expert, individual criminal defense in a variety of case types.
What Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Do?
In a criminal case, your defense attorney works with you to achieve the best possible outcome. This outcome might consist of all charges being
dropped or of a reduced sentence.
In order to win the case against you, the district attorney must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Your defense attorney, in turn, evaluates the facts and circumstances of your case to find evidence which casts doubt on your guilt.
We may use a lack of evidence, a strong alibi, or legal precedent to lead to your acquittal. When you have a consultation, we'll ask specific questions and look through official documents to determine the best approach to your case.
At Bates Law Firm, we work closely with our clients to produce the strongest possible defense in each case. To read more about some of the criminal case types we defend, look through our practice areas page.
Why Partner With the Team at Bates Law Firm?
Aaron D. Bates, founder and attorney at our firm, offers the best in legal defense. Bates serves as president of the local bar and as Peachland's attorney. He is also the local counsel for the town of Wadesboro. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from law school and was a Senior Editor for the Law Review
When you work with Bates Law Firm, you partner with a knowledgeable, thorough, and motivated legal team. We understand what needs to be done to win your case and we never take any shortcuts getting there.
Call us today at (704) 694-0195
to schedule a consultation over the phone or in person at our Wadesboro, NC office